Monday, March 1, 2010

A Basket Full of Books for Easter

Now is the perfect time to fill up your Easter basket with books and stories from White Rose Publishing. (Just remember to leave room for the chocolate.) The themes of rebirth and redemption associated with Easter are a great inspiration for Christian romance writers.

Recently White Rose Publishing released two new books with Easter themes - New Beginnings by Wendy Davy and The Easter Edition by Robin Shope. Some of you may remember last year's Easter Lilies contest and the winning stories - Wildflower in Bloom by Janelle Ashley, Under the 5th Street Bridge by Carla Rossi, and By Another Name by Ashley Elizabeth Ludwig.

White Rose Publishing has a few more Easter themed stories on its roster:
Lasting Love by Sharon Donovan, Learning to Let Go by Elizabeth Pina,and Considering Lily from my Orchard Hill series. You can buy the complete set of Orchard Hill Romances in print along with a basket, perfect for Easter giving. Or buy your own basket and fill it up with books of your choice.

Just keep in mind, if you read ebooks, you'll have a lot more room in your basket for chocolate, jelly beans and marshmallow peeps!

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