Sunday, May 18, 2008

Romance Writers Descend Upon Green Bay

I picked up the Green Bay newspaper today and what do you think I saw? There's a group of ladies - and few men, too I hear - gathered in Green Bay to learn about romance writing. I guess there's a lot to learn if you're going to write that stuff. But I do love a good romance.

There's plenty of that these days in Orchard Hill, even without cracking open a book. There seem to be couples everywhere. I asked my good friend Pansy Parker about it. She said she didn't know a thing about it but between you and me, she looked like the cat who's got into the cream. I think I'll have to keep my ears open on this one. You'll let me know if you hear anything won't you?

In the meantime I'm going to hit the books. This romance conference has got me to thinking about all the great authors we have right here in Wisconsin. I've got a copy of "Welcome to Redemption" by Donna Marie Rogers and Stacey Joy Netzel, a copy of "A Wish in Time" by Laurel Bradley and a copy of "It Takes Moxie" by Delia DeLeest. They all look so good, I don't know which one to read first.

Until next time,

Cora Appelbaum

1 comment:

Stacey Joy Netzel said...

Cora, so cool to see you've picked up a copy of our book! I hope you enjoy it, and, as I've read the other two you have in your hands as well, I know you'll enjoy them!

Wish you could've been at the conference--it was so much fun! You could've picked up Nick & Noelle by Kara Lynn Russell--that's another favorite book of mine!

Happy Reading!